Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wolf Animation - Final Sketches

These are the final drawings of the close up eyes of the wolf and the background that will be used in the animation. Lynda videos helped me with background layering. In the background, there will be more trees and moving along as the wolf runs by, showing some be far away behind the wolf and to the mountains, while others be close up in front of the wolf and closer to the screen to see more details as it passes by. The clouds are also on a different layer as they will be moving through the sky in the night. The challenges I had here was with the background shading, the colors were not blending together well and made the image look sloppy. But thanks to this mess-up, I discovered a new style/technique to shading the rest of the picture and future drawings, working with the mistake to make it come out interesting and beautiful.

The top drawing is of the close of view of the wolf's face/eyes for an important scene in the animation that will be put together later. The bottom drawing is of the main background for the animation, the one that will be seen the most through out the animation itself. Shading challenges came but was quickly fixed and turned out to be better than planned before. I will be adding in more trees in After Effects during the animation of them passing by as the wolf runs past them. The clouds will also be slowly moving by instead of just being still.

Now that all my drawings are done, I am ready and excited to start animating it all together and will post a sample of the running cycle of the wolf as soon as it is done.

Wolf Animation - Final Run Cycle Drawings

Final drawings in detail of the wolf running cycle from the side and front view. Remembering some tips that were discussed in some Lynda videos, I was able to have a better understanding at some more character details and different layers for different emotions/actions the character will express or go through. Some challenges I faced was drawing out all the frames needed, with all the detail to the character, in a limited amount of time due to a few canceled work days, but like we will have to do in the future, I managed the rest of my time and worked with having less days than planned to work and got it all put together by the due date.

The wolf character here is detailed into having shadows and highlights on some of the fur to represent the lighting that will be seen clearly in the final animation all put together. I am very excited to begin working on the animation itself and putting everything together to make the character and story come alive and be told how I planned before hand.

(The green background is not final, it was just there to help make some colors stand out so I could find any mistakes while details were being made, making the character pop out more.)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Wolf Animation - Sketches

Sketch of close up view of wolf eyes to lead into falling to pieces.

Sketch of the background of running scene will be.

Wolf Animation - Sketches of Running Cycle

Two sketches of side view running cycle for wolf.

Two sketches of front view running cycle of wolf.