Monday, January 13, 2014

My Personality Test

After taking the Myers-Briggs personality test, my type of personality is an Introversion Intuition Feeling Judging (INFJ). I respect myself as a person and my feelings towards topics, so trying to change my mind to fit better with others is something I will not allow. We all have different opinions, views on topics, ideas, and personalities. I do usually just think about the meaning of life, no matter how cheesy that may sound. I find thinking about the ways of life with its many struggles and advantages, the dark and light of itself, is really entertaining and interesting. I would always think of some problems we have in this world, and can just sit down and thinking of ways to help others and solve those problems at hand for hours. Trying to make the world and others feel better about themselves and keeping things happy and at peace is something I have always done everyday, it just comes naturally to me. 

I feel that the description of INFJs personality describes myself almost right on. An example of a part that is right on is in the description is seeking meaning and connection in idea, relationships, and material possessions. A part that is not so much like me is being decisive in implementing my vision. I have many visions that I would like to happen and would try to make it happen, but I am very timid and would not be able to have all the  strength to make the vision happen. My personality type does explain a lot about me that I would always question. My choices in the type of work and activities I prefer to do fit in with my personality type very well. The activities to really think about problems others have and be able to brain storm and come up with solutions to help make the people involved in the problem and even more outsiders have a better life with a fixed situation. The roles I would have to take in team activities and family activities, are a problem at times due to my personality type. I am not someone who can easily come out of their shell and be very social with others, it is a hard challenge for me. The roles I would have to take on would be independent, but would not mind working together with others and openly speaking if needed. Many people have misunderstood me even to this very day. I am not that open as a person, so it's harder for me to communicate with others and start up conversations. Just because I am unable to do so, many people believe I dislike them or do not want to speak to them, when I just cannot do it as easily as everyone else. There are many people I have issues with mostly due to our personality differences and the lack of understanding between each other. A good example would be when a boy I liked and he also liked me spoke to each other. After a bit communication was dropped and he left because I was unable to start the conversations between us. Another example was with a best friend when she got tired of having to be the one to start up conversations between us and our friendship was no more. I cannot fully help my lack of communication skills, and even when I try to my mind changes to feeling I would bother the other person, so I do not speak.

I have learned more about why I am who I am and how I really act. Some things are not accurate at all, but most of it does fit into who I really am. This personality test gave more understanding to why I am who I am and why I act and speak certain ways. I am not like everyone else who has the same personality when they took the same test. I am myself, and no one else. I am different in many ways, but also the same as well. 

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